ISSA Cadaveric Course on Laparoscopic Surgical Anatomy for Abdomino-Pelvic Surgery with 3D Technology
ISSA Basic and Advanced, Intensive, Hands-on, Cadaveric Course on Laparoscopic Surgical Anatomy for Abdomino-Pelvic Surgery with 3D Technology, Tübingen (Germany)
October 1st – 3rd, 2020
h.14:00 Welcome and opening of the Course
Chairs: S. Brucker, A. Puppo, D. Mautone
h. 14:10 Abdominal wall and retroperitoneal anatomy of the female pelvis: what we need to know for safe gynecological surgery S. Uccella
h. 14:30 Laparoscopic surgical anatomy of pelvic lymphadenectomy A. Puppo
h. 14:50 Laparoscopic surgical anatomy of para-aortic lymphadenectomy G. Roviglione
h. 15:10 Laparoscopic surgical anatomy and different strategies of laparoscopic extrafascial hysterectomy F. Bruni
h. 15:30 Keynote Lecture: Laparoscopic surgical anatomy of parametrial surgery: from radical hysterectomy to uterine transplant S. Puntambekar
Chairs: F. Bruni, B. Krämer
h. 16:20 Keynote Lecture: Laparoscopic surgical neuroanatomy of visceral and somatic system of the female pelvis for nerve-sparing surgery M. Ceccaroni
h. 16:50 Surgical anatomy of the anterior compartment for gynecological procedures (bladder, ureter, anterior parametrium) D. Mautone
h. 17:10 Surgical anatomy of the posterior compartment for gynecological procedures (Recto-sigmoid, Douglas pouch, recto-vaginal septum, utero-sacral ligaments, posterior broad ligaments): anatomical considerations before and during surgery R. Clarizia
h. 17:30 Break
Chairs: R.Clarizia, G. Roviglione
h. 17:50 When death helps life: Live Keynote Cadaveric Dissection M. Ceccaroni, S. Puntambekar
h. 19:00 Discussion, Adjournment and Conclusion
h. 09:00 – 13:30, h.14:30 – 18:00
Hands-on Laparoscopic Dissections on Cadavers
Supervising Tutors: M. Ceccaroni, S. Puntambekar
Tutors: All of the faculty
h.13:30 – 14:30 Lunch
h. 09:00 – 13:30
Hands-on Laparoscopic and Laparotomic Dissections on Cadavers
Supervising Tutors: M. Ceccaroni, S. Puntambekar Tutors: All of the faculty
Topographic and Surgical Anatomy of the Anterior Abdominal Wall:
Vessels, muscles and sheaths, nerves, laparotomic and laparoscopic accesses.
Topographic and Surgical Anatomy of the Upper Abdomen
(sovra-mesocolic space): embryologic tips, diaphragm, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves, sheaths, spaces, connectives, retroperitoneum. Surgical anatomy of diaphragm and of hepatic ligaments and segments. Left and right bowel mobilization for colo-rectal radical surgery.
Topographic and Surgical Anatomy of the Lower Abdomen
(infra-mesocolic space): embryologic tips, kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters, small bowel, colon-rectum, blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves, sheaths, spaces, connectives, retroperitoneum. Radical abdominal and bowel surgery.
Anatomy and surgical techniques in pelvic radical surgery
Deep infiltrating endometriosis, cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, colo-rectal cancer (different types of radical hysterectomy, radical oophorectomy according to Hudson and Delle Piane, pelvectomy), inguinal anatomy, anatomy of the Scarpa’s triangle.
Nerve-sparing laparoscopic pelvic surgical procedures and techniques
Nerve-sparing radical hysterectomy, nerve sparing rectal resection for deep endometriosis.
Practical tutorials and training:
BASIC: Tips and tricks in minimally invasive accesses to the abdominal cavity: the Veress needle, the umbilical access, the “open” access, the Palmer access, surgical anatomy of appendectomy, surgical anatomy of cholecystectomy, opening of peritoneum and identification of retroperitoneal structure, identification and isolation of uterine artery, identification and isolation of pelvic ureter, basic principles for ureterolysis, appendectomy. Surgical anatomy for adnexal surgery: ovarian cysts approaches, tubal surgery, salpingo-oophorectomy. Surgical anatomy for simple hysterectomy. Surgical anatomy for large uteri hysterectomy. Surgical anatomy of ureter for endometriosis eradication, surgical anatomy of pelvic vessels, surgical anatomy of the bladder in endometriosis surgery.
ADVANCED: Intestinal mobilization, liver and spleen mobilization, Cattel-Valdoni, Mattox, Jinnai and Kocher maneuvers, inferior mesenteric vessels ligation, radical infra-colic and gastro-colic omentectomy, splenectomy and spleno-pancreasectomy, diaphragmatic stripping, resection and suture, hepatic surgery techniques, nephrectomy, adrenalectomy, intestinal lesions repairing, colo-rectal nerve-sparing resection. Vascular suturing techniques, artery and veins anastomoses techniques, graft anastomosis technique. Parametrial preparation according to different types of radical hysterectomy, bowel resection, ureteral and bladder resection, pelvic exenteration, surgical approaches for ovarian, endometrial and cervical cancer. Principles of pelvic nerve sparing techniques. How to prevent nerve lesions in pelvic surgery, inguinal lymphadenectomy. Sacral promontorium exposition, opening of the anatomical spaces, hypogastric vessels ligation, obturative nerve isolation and iatrogenic lesions repairing.
Panel activities
Comprehensive Master in Laparoscopic Suturing Techniques for Abdomino-Pelvic Surgery
All of the tutors
Interactive video-sessions (presentation of laparoscopic cases)
All of the tutors