Dear Friends,
We invite you to join us at the “ISSA Intensive Masterclass on Laparoscopic Treatment of Deep Endometriosis: Surgical Anatomy and Techniques, Strategical Skills and Management” runned by the International School of Surgical Anatomy. This Masterclass is addressed to all of the specialists (Gynecologists, Pelvic surgeons, Oncologic
surgeons, General surgeons, Radiologists, Urologists) involved in the treatment of Deep Endometriosis (DE) and it will explore in detail all of the main clinical, surgical and strategical issues of treatment of the disease.
Advanced know-how, will be shared with the attendants by stakeholders figures of the ISSA School Faculty, coming from third level endometriosis care centers. Knowledge of all of the strategies of management of the disease will be transmitted. The Masterclass will offer the knowledge of diagnostic basic and advanced tools correct management, tips and tricks on surgical anatomy and surgical treatment of the disease with a “patient oriented” approach, flow-charts of treatment and strategic plans for organizing an “Endometriosis Center”.
An “ISSA Endometriosis Expertise Certificate” will be released by the International School of Surgical Anatomy’s Faculty at the end of the Course, after an evaluation form administration.
The Masterclass will be a live event which will take place in the beautiful city of Santiago de Querétaro,capital of the State of Querétaro, in the middle of Mexico, which historic center has been declared by the UNESCO, “World Heritage Site”. It will highlight in detail all of the secrets of surgical anatomy, which is the traditional golden rule of the ISSA School, applied to the treatment of DE. It will provide a step-by step surgical approach with a clear anatomical and clinical rationale to the treatment of every different case of DE, highlighting the tips and tricks.
A common distortion and infiltration of the pelvic organs and ligaments is encountered in cases of DE and the only safe way to achieve radicality, but in the same time to restore the anatomy, increase the fertility and improve the quality of life of our patients is to follow simple anatomical rules.
This Masterclass will be organized as a three-days Course. Each day, theoretical presentations and Keynote lectures brought by an international Faculty of experts in the surgical treatment of DE, will be followed by Live Pre-recorded Tele-Surgery Sessions, discussed and explained step-by-step by the ISSA Faculty as a real session of live-surgery.
Keynote lectures and video sessions with case presentations and will be highlighted and discussed during the day.
The theoretical lessons will focus on the anatomical principles which guide the laparoscopic pelvic surgeon to face DE in every compartment of the pelvis, from simple to radical procedures, following the nerve-sparing approaches for eradication of DE such as parametrial and rectal resection, according to the “Negrar Method”.
Every presentation will focus on every kind of laparoscopic surgical technique with an anatomical approach, which will be exposed by a wide use of surgical movies.
Main learning objectives will be: to recognize anatomical landmarks and major pelvic structures pertinent to gynecologic laparoscopy and retroperitoneal dissection, to apply laparoscopic surgical techniques to enter and expose the avascular spaces of the pelvis, parametrial ligaments, nerves and pelvic vascular system and their relations with the ureter and intraperitoneal structures, to illustrate the step-by-step dissection of the pelvic viscera and pelvic nerves related to the different gynecologic procedures and nerve-sparing techniques for Endometriosis surgery.
The Masterclass will also provide a step-by step “handbook of Endometriosis’ strategic management” to the specialist, useful to face the daily implications the disease may carry which are not only a difficult surgical procedure, but also what comes before (indications, pre-surgical work-up, medical therapy) and after (patient’s follow-up, complications and relapse’s prevention and management) the treatment of the disease.
This ISSA Masterclass represents a further step in one of the various charity initiatives held by ISSA School (which is a non-profit school) called “Robin Hood Project”. All the income of the Masterclass will help low-resources women in receiving free treatment in the best clinics, from some among the best experts worldwide and in supporting educational and training projects worldwide for young doctors.
After the long COVID pause, we are pleased to be again promoter of this humanitarian action.
We look forward to sharing this inspiring, memorable and highly educational experience with You!

City of Querétaro
Querétaro is a geographical jewel of Mexico that has the most diverse tourist attractions for all tastes and interests that seek an alternative in the center of the country. From the rich mix between the contemporaneity of its creative metropolis, with the vibrant past of its Historic Center, to the natural wonders of its Sierra Gorda, passing through the culinary appeal of its wine and cheese region, or the pure air and tranquility of its southern forests and fields, Querétaro has it all.

Marcello Ceccaroni
Director, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics,
Gynecologic Oncology and Minimally-Invasive Surgery,
IRCSS Sacro Cuore Don Calabria Hospital,
Negrar di Valpolicella, Verona, Italy.
ISSA President. Past AAGL
Board of Directors Member

Giovanni Roviglione
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics,
Gynecologic Oncology and Minimally-Invasive Surgery,
IRCSS Sacro Cuore Don Calabria Hospital,
Negrar di Valpolicella, Verona, Italy.
ISSA Vice-President

Fernando Cecilio Paredes Chavez
San Josè Hospital,
Gynecology and Obstetrics,
Biology of human reproduction,
ISSA Professor
08 . 30 :: Course Presentation and Presidents’ Welcome
M. Ceccaroni, F.C. Paredes
Theoretical Session (Discussants: M. A. Lopez Zepeda, F. J. Hernandez Malerva)
08.40 :: The “Robin Hood” Project: from the beginning and after the COVID era
M. Ceccaroni, F.C Paredes
09.00 :: “How to escape from the retroperitoneal labyrinth”. Abdominal wall anatomy
and surgical anatomy of the retroperitoneum for a safe laparoscopic surgery
J. Mejìa Bautista
09.20 :: Ultrasonic pre-operative work-up for the endometriotic patient: what the
surgeon wants to know
V. Garcia Gallegos
09.40 :: Strategic planning of a surgical procedure for endometriosis: what the
surgeon has to know
E. Luna Ramirez
10.00 :: The infertile patient: laparoscopic surgical strategies for adnexal surgery and
restoring anatomy and functions for pelvic anatomical and functional restoration
F.J. Hernandez Malerva
10.20 :: Coffe break
10.35 :: Live pre-recorded Telesurgery Session
Discussants: J. Mejìa Bautista, J. H. del Valle Jimenez, O. Sanchez Resendis
Laparoscopic Eradication of Deep Endometriosis in dierent settings.
All of the Faculty
14.15 :: Lunch
Keynote and Video Session (Discussants: E. Castro, R. A. Aguilar Girbau)
15.00 :: Keynote Lecture: Laparoscopic Surgical Neuroanatomy of Visceral and Somatic System
of the Female Pelvis for Nerve-Sparing Surgery
M. Ceccaroni
15.30 :: Video Sessions
All of the Faculty
16.30 :: Discussion, adjourn and closure
08.30 :: Theoretical Session (Discussants: E. Castro, J. M. Lopez de la Torre)
Laparoscopic Conservative and Demolitive surgical treatments for the management of adenomyosis
M.A. Lopez Zepeda
08.50 :: Laparoscopic Surgical Anatomy and different strategies of radical hysterectomy in different
Deep Endometriosis challenging settings
J.C. Canton Romero
09.10 :: Surgical Anatomy and laparoscopic strategies for approaching Deep Endometriosis of the
antero-lateral compartment (bladder, ureters, vesico-uterine and anterior parametrial
ligaments,anterior broad ligaments and vesico-uterine fold)
M. Ceccarello
09.30 :: Surgical Anatomy and laparoscopic strategies for approaching Deep Endometriosis of the
postero-lateral compartment (Douglas- pouch, rectovaginal septum, uterosacral and
posterolateral parametrial ligaments, posterior broad ligaments)
F.C. Paredes Chavez
09.50 :: Bowel endometriosis (ileo-cecal, appendix, colon, recto-sigmoid): management flow chart,
surgical techniques (shaving, disc resection, segmental resection) outcomes and complications
G. Roviglione
10.10 :: Laparoscopic Nerve Detrapment of Somatic Pelvic Nerves in Deep Endometriosis
inltrating the Pelvic Sidewall: a Parametrial Issue
M. Ceccaroni
10.30 :: Coffe break
10.45 :: Live pre-recorded Telesurgery Session (Discussants: E. Luna Ramirez, R. A. Aguilar Girbau)
Laparoscopic Eradication of Deep Endometriosis in different settings
All of the Faculty
14.15 :: Lunch
Keynote and Video Session (Discussants: J. Mejìa Bautista, J. H. del Valle Jimenez)
15.00 :: Management flow-chart, strategies and surgical techniques for approaching different
patterns of Endometriosis of the Diaphragm and uncommon sites (abdominal wall, diaphragm, groin)
G. Roviglione
15.30 :: Keynote Video Presentation. Laparoscopic Nerve Sparing Eradication of Deep Endometriosis
with Rectal and Parametrial Resection according to the “Negrar Method”: a “touchless” procedure
M. Ceccaroni
16.00 :: Video Sessions
All of the Faculty
17.00 :: Discussion, adjourn and closure
10.45 :: Live pre-recorded Telesurgery Session
(Discussants: J. M. Lopez de la Torre, F.C. Paredes Chavez)
Laparoscopic Eradication of Deep Endometriosis in dierent settings
All of the Faculty
14.15 :: Lunch
Keynote and Video Session (Discussants: E. Luna Ramirez, O. Sanchez Resendis)
15.00 :: Keynote Lecture
Endometriosis and cancer: clinical aspects and strategies of management
J.C. Canton Romero
15.30 :: Keynote Lecture: Medical Therapy for Deep Endometriosis in each woman’s age:
how to “heal the wound” and prevent relapses
M. Ceccarello
16.00 Video Sessions
All of the Faculty
17.00 :: Discussion, adjourn and closu
Hotel Mision Grand Juriquilla
Blvd. Villas del Meson 56 | 76226 Juriquilla, Qro, Mexico
Phone: +52 800 900 3800
Giovanni Roviglione | Matteo Ceccarello
Fernando Cecilio Paredes Chavez | Marcello Ceccaroni
Camilla Lonardoni
Phone: +39 045 6013957
Cristina Hernandez
Phone: +52 3316725232
O.L.E. Sfera. Operaciones Logisticas Y Estrategias S.A. De C.V.
Tel: 55 68411796 / 55709796 90
Mail: |
REGISTRATIONS (Online and onsite)
Surgeon Residents Nurses
Till May 15th $ 5,000.00 | After May 15th $ 6,000.00